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Although sometimes both terms are used interchangeably, they are not the same.  What Is a Group  Interview? This kind of encounter gathers a group of applicants at the same time. It responds to a different objective from a one-on-one interview. It indeed saves the organization hours and hours of individual interviews. Still, it is also true that an interview like this gives the employer a different insight into each candidate ’ s...
With the new scenario that the world is now facing, there have been many changes in our daily life, and remote recruitment is one of them.  Before the current circumstances, many organizations had already implemented online interviews. In most cases, they were part of an application process, which finished with a face-to-face encounter. Today, the present situation requires a change of paradigms to limit personal interactions to the most....
Getting ready to  start  looking at job postings implies a long and exhausting way to go, resume, CV, cover letter, statement, portfolio, references, etc. So is the hiring process.  There is a significant time gap from the moment the job is posted to the moment the interviews start. Many institutions approve the openings before the end of the academic year. However, the postings do not appear announced until the fall. In general, when...
And one day you received a job offer. But it was not the one you were expecting, so you need to buy some extra time to follow up with your preferred employer. There are other reasons why you feel you need to delay a job offer. You wanted to have some extra options, keep a card under your sleeve, or you just changed your mind but want to be sure before declining definitely. One thing is to delay an answer for a few days and another for...
We are sitting in front of our computer, pen in hand and a checklist, a notebook, legal documents, licenses, etc. The ball is on our court now. It depends on us what to write, how, when, where, to whom. We start checking boxes, cover letter, resume, CV, statement, etc. However, at some point, we reach a box that does not depend entirely on us.  References . And we wonder where to start, who to ask. So, it is now when we need to produce...
Whether you are interested in finding a full-time job in education or a part-time one, there are a few tips to help you when starting the search. A CHALLENGE Those who are not already in the education field may find it interesting that they can apply not only for teaching positions. So, they might find challenging transferring their skills from the private sector to a campus. Colleges and universities need people with experience in...
Are you thinking of changing jobs?  Once you have made up your mind that you need to switch careers, it is time to write your resume or CV.  Before doing so: Keep an open mind to non-traditional opportunities that you may not have considered in the past but that you may be well-prepared to seize in the future.  Research your prospective employing institution, its culture, mission, values, recent events, and news. Employers...
Every resume you send needs its cover letter. Sending a resume without one is like starting an interview without shaking hands. As a complement of your resume, cover letters are an opportunity to elaborate on why you are fit for the job and show your enthusiasm. Cover letters should be written in a readable font. Your address, as well as your reviewer ’ s, should be at the top. Also, type your name below your signature at the bottom....
Having gaps in your working history is not as uncommon as one may think. There are the most varied reasons why people decide to leave their career paths for a short or long time. At some moment of their lives, people may feel they need to give extra time to their newborn or children, an ailing parent, their enrichment in terms of some research or furthering education, relocation, or to find themselves. However,  at other times, the decision...
How can teaching become an option Have you been too moody lately? Are you complaining about anything and everything? Feeling you have not been yourself? Has your body been telling you that something is wrong by lacking concentration, being exhausted all the time? Is your body aching? Well, these are signs that tell us that, sometimes, a job is not just the money. The feeling of fulfillment does not always go hand in hand with the...
How to prepare. Before and After That call that you have been waiting for finally arrived. And now, what? It is perfectly normal to feel nervous or tense before a face-to-face job interview. But let us think of it as an opportunity to show all your potential and why  “ you ”  are the best candidate. One way to deal with nervousness is by preparing the best you can. You have probably applied for more than one institution. So, first of...
In the first place, what is networking?  Networking is not applying for a job. It is interacting with others as a means to obtain professional information.  And why is it an essential part of anyone's job search?  Because it may be of great help to get information about: Potential employers. New jobs in the market. Not advertised jobs. How should I behave in a networking situation? One interesting fact that is...