How can teaching become an option
Have you been too moody lately? Are you complaining about anything and everything? Feeling you have not been yourself?
Has your body been telling you that something is wrong by lacking concentration, being exhausted all the time? Is your body aching?
Well, these are signs that tell us that, sometimes, a job is not just the money. The feeling of fulfillment does not always go hand in hand with the career chosen for life.
Changing careers is not so easy, being family sustenance the main reason. If you feel that you are disconnected from your passions and your professional life has not been rewarding as you may have expected, probably it is time for a change. Sometimes, your professional career is being rewarding, but still, you need something else, something extra to complete you. In both cases, as a total swift or, as a second job, teaching is an option. It is not for everyone, though.
If, for whatever reason, you have come across the possibility of embarking on a career in education, there are some issues to consider first.
If you are thinking of becoming rich with a job in a school or college, then this is most likely not the path you should take. However, education will provide you with a full range of options, not only in teaching, where you can get employment faster than you think.
According to BLS, Occupational Employment Statistics, Employment of education, training, and library occupations are projected to grow 5 percent from 2018 to 2028. About 512,900 new jobs are expected to be added from 2018 to 2028. BLSprojection shows that enrollment is expected to increase at both the college and university level and among public elementary and secondary schools. Therefore teachers at all levels will be needed to meet the demand. In the case of education, training, and library occupations, as they are affected by state and local budgets, budgetary restrictions can limit employment growth.
The median annual salary for education, training, and library occupations was $49,700 in May 2018, which was higher than the median yearly wage for all occupations of $38,640.
2018 Median Pay |
Teacher Assistants |
$26,970 |
Library Technicians and Assistants |
$29,640 |
Preschool Teachers |
$29,780 |
Archivists, Curators, and Museum Workers |
$48,400 |
Adult Literacy and High School Equivalency Diploma Teachers |
$53,630 |
Career and Technical Education Teachers |
$56,750 |
Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers |
$57,980 |
Middle School Teachers |
$58,600 |
Librarians |
$59,050 |
Special Education Teachers |
$59,780 |
High School Teachers |
$60,320 |
Instructional Coordinators |
$64,450 |
Postsecondary Teachers |
$78,470 |
Now, if teaching is your calling, if you feel that besides academic learning, you can add your professional insight to your students and school community, then go for it. Teaching is a profession that is widely enriched by experience from outside the classroom. Students and the school community will benefit from what you are sure to contribute.