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EWC is a small, public, open enrollment Community College located in Goshen County in southeast Wyoming.  The College serves a six-county Service Area with the Main Campus in rural Torrington, WY and a satellite capmus in Douglas, WY.

Mission: Student success is our first priority; ...we provide opportunities that enable students to achieve their goals and enrich our unique region through work, partnerships, and student achievement.

Vision: EWC will be an innovative learning envrionment for academic excellence and community enrichment that champions student success.

Torrington is a town of 6,500 inhabitants near the stateline at 4,100 feet elevation and is an easy drive to the cities of Cheyenne, WY (83 miles) and Scottsbluff, NE (32 miles).  Agricultue defines Goshen County, and the surrounding areas, with an abundance of of excellent outdoor activity opportunities (fishing, hunting, hiking, climbing, biking, camping, running, etc...).