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The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is the only professional association that bridges the gap between information science practice and research. For nearly 80 years, ASIS&T has been leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information. Our members—thousands of researchers, developers, practitioners, students, and professors in the field of information science and technology from 50 countries around the world—have made ASIS&T an important part of their professional development. Members share a common interest in improving the ways society stores, retrieves, analyzes, manages, archives and disseminates information. As the preeminent professional association in the field, ASIS&T: Provides career development and leadership opportunities through our student chapters and regional chapters Connects practitioners, researchers, students, and organizations from throughout the field through special interest groups and at annual events. Edits, publishes, and disseminates publications concerning research and development Shares important professional education through webinars Acts as a sounding board for promotion of research and development and for the education of information professionals Networking opportunities through the ASIS&T Community ASIS&T members represent such fields as: Information science Computer science Linguistics Management Librarianship Engineering Law Medicine Chemistry Education ASIS&T supports regional chapters and student chapters throughout the U.S. and abroad, as well as varied special interest groups (SIGs)—diverse professional groups organized by specialty and focus, such as bioinformatics, information architecture, and visualization, images, and sound. Mission The mission of the Association for Information Science and Technology is to advance the information sciences and related applications of information technology by providing focus, opportunity, and support to information professionals and organizations. Vision Establish a new information professionalism in a world where information is of central importance to personal, social, political, and economic progress by: Advancing knowledge about information, its creation, properties, and use; Providing analysis of ideas, practices, and technologies; Valuing theory, research, applications, and service; Nurturing new perspectives, interests, and ideas; Increasing public awareness of the information sciences and technologies and their benefits to society.