Cape Cod Community College (CCCC), founded in 1961, delivers educational programs and services to meet the diverse needs of the residents of Cape Cod, the Canal Region, the islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, and the Greater Plymouth Area. CCCC is the only comprehensive college on Cape Cod and offers Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science degrees and academic certificate programs in a wide variety of areas.
The Hyannis Center of CCCC offers educational assistance for adults, Workforce courses and college credit classes. At its Plymouth Municipal Airport location, the Aviation Maintenance Technology program educates and trains individuals to repair both airframes and power plants of aircraft, preparing students for FAA certification and/or further academic study. College courses are offered at a variety of off-campus sites, including the islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, and are "beamed" directly into participating high schools through digital technology.
The College also offers bachelor's and master's degree programs through its partnerships with colleges and universities throughout Massachusetts. Courses are offered in a broad array of delivery modes including: day, evening, weekend classes, face-to-face, and entirely online, or a hybrid of that system, and does so in traditional semesters, Intersessions, and shorter Quick Term sessions to meet our students' needs.
The College is a vibrant community that reflects and include all ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds. Approximately 6,000 individuals each year take credit courses at CCCC. The CCCC faculty is well credentialed with 29.4% holding doctoral degrees and 69.1% holding master's degrees in their fields.
In addition to providing access to high quality higher education, the College plays a critical role in community-building and cultural events for our service area. In the last year, our Tilden Arts Center hosted over 300 events for the community free of charge or at discounted prices. The Higgins Art Gallery mounts public fine-art exhibits each year. The Academy for Lifelong Learning has provided educational and social opportunities for thousands of senior citizens since 1987. The College is home to the Lyndon P. Lorusso Applied Technology building, a state-of-the-art teaching and learning facility. Representing the College's commitment to environmental sustainability, it was the state's first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified "green-building" ever built with state dollars.
CCCC is one of 15 public community colleges in Massachusetts operating under the jurisdiction of the Department of Higher Education (DHE). The College is governed by an eleven-member board of trustees appointed by the Governor. Appointments are for five-year terms, renewable for one additional term. Trustees are not compensated and do not have any financial or business interest in the college.
On July 1, 2012, CCCC welcomed its seventh president, Dr. John L. Cox, Ed.D, CPA.