The mission of the Central Pennsylvania Consortium (CPC) is to assure and advance the general quality and the intellectual vitality of the member colleges. This is achieved primarily through opportunities for interaction and mutual support among the colleges’ faculty, students, and administrators.
This mission assumes comparable goals for the member institutions including:
A commitment to undergraduate liberal arts education of the highest quality for a select group of capable students from a wide range of backgrounds.
An appreciation of the interconnectedness of teaching and research by the faculty.
A dedication to good management that directly serves the teaching and research goals of the institution.
Active participation in state and national education communities, and in defining the goals and methods of higher education for future generations.
Programs and combined projects are generated primarily by faculty, administrators, and students from the CPC colleges rather than from the central CPC office. They are usually of three kinds:
1. Intellectual activities and conferences in which two or more member colleges, with help from the CPC office, sponsor a program of interest to faculty and students (such as the annual women’s studies conference or the meeting of astronomers)
2. Meetings and conferences of CPC administrators and academic support professionals, usually to share expertise or facilities (such as gatherings of librarians or information technology specialists)
3. Learning or training opportunities (such as new faculty workshops or department chairs’ workshops)
In addition, the CPC colleges combine resources for other activities of common interest.
CPC welcomes proposals for meetings, conferences, and faculty activities.