Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for a Mathematics Education Clinical Assistant Professor position. This will be a full-time, 10-month appointment, with a start date of August 1, 2025. The successful candidate will join the highly regarded Mathematics Education faculty in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education.
Position Description:
The successful applicant will be expected to teach mathematics education methods, mathematics and pedagogy courses, supervise field experiences in our elementary and secondary mathematics programs, contribute to program coordination, and advise and mentor undergraduate students. Engaging in scholarship with a practitioner focus and service activities at levels commensurable with a clinical position are also expected. The time allocation expectations for this position are 60% teaching and 40% service. For more information about the mathematics education Program please visit our website at:
Principal Duties/Responsibilities:
- Teaching six undergraduate courses in an academic year.
- Mentor associate instructors (i.e., graduate students) teaching undergraduate mathematics education courses in the mathematics education program.
- Contribute to the design and coordination of new mathematics education courses for undergraduate education majors.
- Engage in the scholarship of teaching mathematics.
- Establish and maintain collaborations with other programs to promote inter-disciplinary and community connections.
- Contribute to the IU Bloomington School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Mathematics Education program service activities at levels commensurate for a clinical position.
- Promote collegiality, collaboration, and an equitable and inclusive learning environment (See our School Diversity Plan for more information).
Minimum Required Qualifications:
- Earned a PhD or EdD in Mathematics Education by June 30, 2025.
- If a candidate has completed all doctoral program requirements except the dissertation, the degree must be awarded by June 30, 2025
- Experience with teaching Mathematics Education content in higher education.
- Three years of successful experience teaching mathematics in grades K-12.
- Knowledge of and involvement with curricular and/or program development.
- Experience interacting with a diverse student and faculty community.
Preferred Qualifications:
- Five years of successful experience teaching mathematics in grades K-12.
- Practice with implementing a variety of teaching methods and curricular perspectives.
- Experience with mentoring and supervising undergraduate students in their teaching of mathematics.
- Experience conducting in-service professional development of K-12 mathematics teachers.
- Experience working in a diverse workplace
- A commitment to establishing outreach or community connections associated with mathematics teaching and/or learning.
- Graduate level teaching experience.
- Ability and willingness to teach graduate courses in mathematics education.
- Evidence of engagement in the scholarship of teaching mathematics.
Review of applications will begin on December 2, 2024. The search will remain open until the position is filled.
Applicants should upload the following to:
- Letter of Application addressing interest in the position, and ability to meet its responsibilities.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching statement
- Evidence of successful teaching
- A list of three references and their contact information. References will not be contacted without prior notice with the applicant.
For questions regarding this position, please contact the chair of the search committee, Dr. Enrique Galindo
Indiana University School of Education aims to create an equitable and inclusive environment for learning, research, and service by honoring, respecting, and embracing diversity within the School of Education and the surrounding communities.
Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment based on individual qualifications. Indiana University prohibits discrimination based on age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status.